Monday, December 13, 2010

Write A Gripping Book

Books are difficult to write and are difficult to get published. What a person has to do is be patient and let the character come to them. Close your eyes one day, and whatever you see inside your head at that particular moment just write it down. Write the person or the thing inside of your head and describe everything about them. Once you have them down on paper just peek at it every now and then and incorporate that information into your story and your manuscript.

Another way to do things is to take a person that you have always admired in your lifetime and make that character based upon them. Sure you tweak a few things about them and change their name as well. If they are into a certain hobby or interest, put down that they are interested in the opposite. Sounds simple doesn't it? That is character development, and it sounds simple because it really is simple. Just like dotting the 'i's and crossing the 't's, it really is truly simple.

After you have the character development down, just make the story all about that character. Give them a setting where they live or hang out, put people and things and even animals into the setting and make it seem either real or artificial, whatever you wish. Futuristic is also a possibility, but the decision is always up to you the author. Just like your instructors taught you in school, do not over write. Overwriting will get you into trouble. Write how you speak, because when you write how you speak in person to other people makes the story even more powerful and it works when you have a truly powerful story and when you write how you converse in person, it just makes it more realistic and people can relate to the story more.

Now you know a little bit about how to write a really good story and put it all together into one fascinating book. Remember, everything is tied together and character development is the most important tool of all. This information relates to children's books and every other type of book as well. Character development, plot, setting and making it seem realistic and writing how you speak in person are the keys. Good luck!

Monday, November 8, 2010

How To: Eat Right For The Rest of Your Life

If you're just like me, you tend to go crazy at the dinner table and eat way too much to the point where you feel sick and full of regret. Due to that, we tend to gain weight around the hips and mid section and end up with unnecessary stored fat that we end up carrying around us wherever we go and become self conscious and paranoid that no one will look at us the same as they used to ever again. But if you are smart about everything and stick with these few basic principles that I have created, than you will be very successful in your weight loss approach and be able to stick with it for as long as you live.

1) Measure Everything! The measuring cup and the teaspoon and tablespoons should become your best friends. They are extremely important when it comes to a healthy lifestyle. Whenever you cook something or prepare any food of any kind, always include the measuring cup or a simple tablespoon indicator, just so that you can gauge exactly how much of each food you are consuming into your body. Measuring is everything when it comes to dieting and living a healthy life because moderation is key and if you can measure successfully down to the last ounce, you know exactly what goes into your body and how much of it.

2) Grill, Never Fry! Whenever you cook any form of food at all, you should never fry because frying leads to unnecessary belly fat and stored fat that our bodies do not need or want. Frying can also lead to acid reflux disease and other health problems. Grilling is the best form of cooking because it naturally drains the grease and provides more of that youthful flavor that we like whenever we consume food. Grilling also gives us the nutrients necessary for our bodies and our minds to function. With grilling there is less of a high cholesterol risk and is naturally low in fat.

3) Sugar Who? Besides foods high in fat, sugar is also the leading cause of unwanted fat on our bodies. Grab whatever sugar-free beverage, food, sauce whatever you can find in the store or elsewhere, because that will become your best friend along with the measuring cup listed above. You cannot go wrong with sugar-free anything, it is one less thing you need to worry about when it comes to healthy eating. Sugar-free along with light salad dressings and light sauces along with anything else that says Light on the label, you'll be in good shape.

4) Exercise! Simply exercise at least two to three times a week at minimum. Stay active and keep that body moving and you'll burn it all off and stay fit. As long as we eat well without all the grease and fat and if we exercise at minimum twice per week, we will be successful at dieting and living life well.

If we consume healthy things and stare at labels more carefully than we usually do, we won't have to worry about putting on any more holiday weight ever again. At Thanksgiving, have a sugar-free pie instead of a regular flavored pie. Drink sodas once a day if you are a soda drinker. And go on short walks during the day or night in order to keep active. With those principles, you are on your way to eating right and remaining fit for the rest of your life. Enjoy!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How To: Be Successful at Online Dating

Let's face it, it is extremely tough to find someone to go out with. Who really likes to dress up every weekend and go out and just sit there waiting for someone to approach you? Most of the time the answer to that question is no one. Nobody should have to over dedicate themselves to dating, if it happens it happens, if not just shrug it off and wait for another opportunity. It is the people that treat dating like a full time job that should have to worry because maybe they aren't all there. Nowadays forget bars and dance clubs, the most convenient way to find love is over the internet.

Look at websites like eHarmony and Those websites have generated tons of traffic over the years and claimed that they have matched thousands of couples together to date. Based upon statistics alone, they are telling the truth and more couples have been put together over the internet the last few years than anywhere else. Gone are the days of clubs and bars, now if you want some good food, great lodging, and a romantic date to boot, look no further than the internet to help oblige you.

Every woman or man that goes on the internet looking for love if they have a certain void to fill or are having trouble in the public scene and wanted to try a new route, or maybe they are a single parent insecure about the way they look so they figure being on the internet will show off more of their personality. Whatever the reason, none of them are bad reasons. A woman wants to feel like she's listened to, like she is apart of the conversation. Some women do not even put up a picture on their online profiles simply because they are tired of being looked at and complimented only on their chest and other bodily features. Instead they want to be talked to, asked questions and feel like a person of interest in the conversation. If a guy can do that to a woman over the internet and not present to her that he has a certain agenda in mind, then the guy is basically on his way to good things with her.

When it comes to men, we just not only want to feel important, but we want to vent, we want to get things out and talk and if she listens and offers advice, and does not blow the guy off and is still there after all the personal venting is let out, than she is a keeper as far as us guys are concerned. Yes we have an agenda sometimes, but most of the time believe it or not we want to feel important and that we are heard, and that goes for each gender. Take it from a person who has had success at online dating most of his adult life, I definitely know how to please a woman and make her feel special and will keep her around. Complimenting, honesty and being true to yourself goes a long way for a person online. Do not lie, or present yourself falsely, because a person will be able to sniff it out over time.

Sure they do not have your contact information or your home address, but be careful because you never know who can hack into what online. Also, if you lie, the truth will come out eventually because you will forget later on what you had said previously and it will work against you. Build trust over time, be honest and invite him or her into your personal life one step at a time, and that same openness will be rewarded in the future with a relationship. If that same person is still there after you have said your peace and told mostly everything about yourself, than they deserve to be in your life and you'll know a winner when you see one. Good luck and stay true to yourself and you'll become successful overtime at online dating.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How To: Live with Asperger's Syndrome

None of us are considered "normal", none of us live with a sense of normalcy in our everyday lives. Some people are born with more intelligence than others, some are born with more physical strength than others. Whatever the case is, none of that makes anyone any better off than the other, we just have our flaws and have our strengths, embrace them, and then go about our days. When it comes to someone living with Asperger's Syndrome, it is a totally different beast because you live in your own world. You see the world differently than most people. Someone can stop and tell you a joke and you won't necessarily know it was a joke unless they laugh. If the person telling you the joke is not smiling or laughing right away, your lack of reading ability and stimulus will affect how you react and it will make the outcome even more awkward than when it had started off. It all is what is referred to as, pre-operational standard, which is perception over logic. Just like a child, you can sniff out things from people but overall you do not pay attention because you end up thinking nothing of it. Like for instance, you can tell a joke, but it might not be funny, but it would be funny to you. No one else would be laughing, but you know you told a joke and you're okay with that at least. Once you get past how people feel about you or look at you, then you're on your way to accepting yourself. People living with Asperger's Syndrome battle with self esteem issues every single day of their lives. Their brain functioning is stalled in one aspect or another, be it physical motor skills or communication and social. Some "Aspies" they're nicknamed, just have the social cognitive disorder, and others have the physical motor skills deficiency where they cannot really perform anything that requires good coordination. Like tying shoes, and operating motor vehicles take a lot of concentration and coordination and some "Aspies" might not have the wherewithal to succeed at those two actions. Others are considered lower functioning and do not make eye contact, start yelling really loud out of nowhere and making someone uncomfortable and rely on other people to do things for them. Than there are the higher functioning people that make eye contact, use inside voices and manners and make it so that you cannot even tell they have a problem at all. Those type of people are on the mild end of the Autistic spectrum. There is nothing wrong with either end, all ends of the spectrum bring something to the table and either way, people with Asperger's Syndrome are naturally bright individuals. Some are mathematical in nature and at the same time good with words, and others are engineer types that can calculate and build a model that will one day turn into a real life building. They are considered geeks and will never be the life of the party or most popular on school grounds, but many have married, had children and live very "normal' lives in today's society. In order to live with Asperger's Syndrome successfully, you need to be aware of who you are, and what you bring to the table. Do not try to be someone you're not, embrace your strengths and weaknesses daily and do not be afraid to tell others who you are and what limitations you possess so that your employer or teacher will not assume you're just clowning around and won't fail or fire you. So as long as you end up being okay with you, understand who you are and what you offer, than you'll be okay. It can be very tough to live your life different and it is very understandable to lash out with frustration, but as long as you understand that over time you will be okay and eventually you will become more and more accepted especially with all the new media attention garnering the disorder, than everything will be okay in your world. Just take it easy, breathe regularly and take care of yourself and you will be alright. The world is a crazy place and sometimes we need different people in order to keep it going.

Monday, October 25, 2010

How To: Lose 10 pounds in one month and keep it off

Dieting is pretty simple when done right. Luckily I know what I'm doing and created my own system. Now we all know that simple sugars and processed foods make you gain weight no matter what the serving size. They say in moderation you could eat whatever you want and this and that and the other. But in all actuality, sugar adds fat to your body and your body will store it as fat the more sugar you consume. If you go through your day barely eating any sugar at all, then you're okay. Like for instance, I will go through a whole day with only consuming no less than 29 grams of sugar. Based upon my body type and mass, I am allowed based upon statistics alone, 52 grams of sugar, so I end up ending the day with tons of sugar left to spare. Then you have to worry about carbohydrate consumption, and carbohydrates are the leading cause of gaining weight for a person, and the more you consume the more weight you will gain in your lifetime. In my system, I eat a lot of carbohydrates, they're my favorite thing to consume, I love bread and pizza and tons upon tons of other carbohydrates. I am considered a carbohydrate loader, but nowadays I eat them in moderation. Based upon my body mass, I am allowed 384 grams of carbohydrates, I do not even consume 85% of that in a typical day. So if you look up the science of your body and your weight and body mass, it will give you an estimation of what you are allowed in a typical day, but the key is not to even come close to that calculation or go over it. I like to stay within the half way point, meaning every calculation on protein, fiber, fat and carbohydrates I am allowed per day I only consume half of the totals each day, therefore I am burning off more calories and burning more fat off my body each day that passes by. So basically cut out sugar intake by a lot, only consume half of your alotted carbohydrate intake and drink plenty of fluids like water and sugar free juice as often as you can during the day. I like to drink two sodas a day and drink lots of water daily as well. I end up peeing a lot throughout the day but my body is flushing everything out of my system so it works. I also go on 20 minute walks every single day out in the amazing sunshine and do step aerobics three times per week. There you go, you now know how to lose 10 plus pounds in one month and keep it off if you stick to this system and any other creative system you can come up with. I know you can do it and with my help you came closer to capturing your goal. Good luck.