Monday, December 13, 2010

Write A Gripping Book

Books are difficult to write and are difficult to get published. What a person has to do is be patient and let the character come to them. Close your eyes one day, and whatever you see inside your head at that particular moment just write it down. Write the person or the thing inside of your head and describe everything about them. Once you have them down on paper just peek at it every now and then and incorporate that information into your story and your manuscript.

Another way to do things is to take a person that you have always admired in your lifetime and make that character based upon them. Sure you tweak a few things about them and change their name as well. If they are into a certain hobby or interest, put down that they are interested in the opposite. Sounds simple doesn't it? That is character development, and it sounds simple because it really is simple. Just like dotting the 'i's and crossing the 't's, it really is truly simple.

After you have the character development down, just make the story all about that character. Give them a setting where they live or hang out, put people and things and even animals into the setting and make it seem either real or artificial, whatever you wish. Futuristic is also a possibility, but the decision is always up to you the author. Just like your instructors taught you in school, do not over write. Overwriting will get you into trouble. Write how you speak, because when you write how you speak in person to other people makes the story even more powerful and it works when you have a truly powerful story and when you write how you converse in person, it just makes it more realistic and people can relate to the story more.

Now you know a little bit about how to write a really good story and put it all together into one fascinating book. Remember, everything is tied together and character development is the most important tool of all. This information relates to children's books and every other type of book as well. Character development, plot, setting and making it seem realistic and writing how you speak in person are the keys. Good luck!